Hey Kids !!
Prasie God for his Glory endure for ever

You are Chosen!

Through the praise of children and infants
you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger

Psalm 8:2 

You are Loved

God has a special plans for you no matter what others think of you. Through you Lord has promised to destroy the strongholds of enemy that is the Satan. You are equal to 2 youths. So don’t get discouraged.

You are Light of the world!

You are the light of the world. You shine for Jesus wherever you are and testify Him in whatever you do. Praise Him in all situation. If you commit to do so, definitely Lord will bless you abundantly. 

Hello I’m Judah,

I’m going to take you through our website. You’ll get a very good clarity on Revival kids a.k.a Ablazers!. You’ll grow spiritually and soon you will turn into an Ablazer Let God be with you!

Kids Blog

My Amazing Experience

“I have seen the feet of Jesus Chirst when I was 13 years old .”
Jeevin CK
Sorrow turned into Joy

Testimonies come in all shapes and sizes! Some are very dramatic, with wild turning points and big ‘ah-ha! Mine is big Ah- ha-ha-ha with Great experience. I come from humble beginnings, and my parents did everything they could to provide me with every opportunity to succeed. We would attend church, say grace before dinner, prayers before bed; God was in my life, but I didn’t fully know him. Everything was fine in my-life. When I was eight years old, in the season of autumn my mom was very sick. She was Affected by brain fever within a six month she passed away. I knew that I needed help. I felt that help by calling God loudly. With no other place to turn, I went to pray in the terrace. I prayed with a whole heart. Jesus Christ filled me with His presence and anointing. I surrendered myself to the Lord and I saw a light like 1000 volts bulb, with a white garment. And I saw the Wounded feet of Jesus Christ. He turned my grief into repentance. Jesus replaced my mom's place in my life. I opened my heart to Jesus and accepted Him. This is where my life began to change. I began attending church on a regular basis. Through prayers and scriptures, I began to let God in. I have God now, and I have my faith. I have prayer and relationship with Christ and an ever-growing network of people in my life that will help me achieve. I will be confident in moving forward with His Guidance. Does all the sorrows are turned into joy.

How to Meditate the Bible

Meditate to Understand

Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous works. (Psalm 119:27)
while meditating bible you should ask these question
1.Why is this passage important?
2.What do I need to know?
3.What does it say about God?
4.What does it say about me?
5.How does this reading point to Jesus?
Meditate to understand what God is communicating to you through his Word.

Meditate to Focus

I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. (Psalm 119:15)
Distractions are a tool the enemy of our souls uses to take our eyes off Christ and to keep us from hearing God clearly in his Word.
Meditation, which leads us to fix our eyes on the Lord
Meditate to focus on how God is speaking to you through his living and active Word.

Meditate to Apply

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. (Joshua 1:8) Our desire in meditation is to “be careful to do according to all that is written” in the Bible. Meditate to apply what you have read in the Bible to your daily life and to ask for help in prayer.

To meditate, then, is to think deeply about what God has said to us in the Bible and to prepare our minds and hearts for prayer. Scripture is the foundation of our praying; meditation readies us for it by helping us focus, understand , and apply.

How God Sees YOU?

You are a beloved child of God,If you are a Christian, you are not a stranger to God. You are not an orphan, even though you may sometimes feel alone. The heavenly Father loves you and sees you as one of his children.

Frequently Asked Question

Jesus is part of the Trinity. This is a way of saying that God is one God, but He has three parts to Him—God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. Each part of the Trinity has a different job, but they are all still one God. When Jesus was on earth, He said, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). He was saying that He is God. The Bible says God has always existed. He has no beginning or end. And since Jesus is God, that means Jesus has always existed too. He was never created—He is the one who created everything (John 1:3)!

Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.

Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.

Making mistakes is part of being human. Some mistakes are followed by consequences. Some mistakes are even silly, like putting too much hot mustard on your sandwich! We all make mistakes. But God doesn’t make mistakes. He is all-knowing, so nothing can take Him by surprise. You and I can only guess what tomorrow might bring, but God sees into the future—so there is nothing that can catch Him off-guard.  The Bible, which is also free of mistakes, tells us that everything is going according to God’s plan. We may see the world as being in a confusing place, but God has the situation under control. And the day is coming when King Jesus will return to earth and fix our poor, broken planet. In other words, Jesus is going to undo our mistakes and make everything right!  As long as we live, we will all continue to make mistakes. But we can always know that our God never makes mistakes!

Jesus dying on the cross is the one way God made to save sinners who believe in Him.

The perfect Son of God did not deserve to die. But Jesus suffered a horrible death: soldiers beat Him and put a crown of thorns on His head, people mocked and spit on Him, nails pierced his hands and feet into a wooden cross. Why did Jesus have to die? Couldn’t God have saved sinners some other way? No, Jesus dying on the cross is the only way. Here are some reasons: • Every person is a sinner. “Everyone has sinned. No one measures up to God’s glory” (Romans 3:23). • The punishment for sin is death. “When you sin, the pay you get is death” (Romans 6:23b).  • We can’t save ourselves by good works. “God’s grace has saved you because of your faith in Christ. Your salvation doesn’t come from anything you do. It is God’s gift” (Ephesians 2:8). • God allowed His own Son to die to take the punishment for sin. “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life” (John 3:16).  Because God is a just Judge, He must and will punish sinners. But because of God’s love and mercy, He punished Jesus in the place of believing sinners. Only Jesus could die in the place of believers because He is the God-Man—both holy God and sinless Man (2 Corinthians 5:21). A sinner can’t pay the punishment for the sin of others. A sinner has to pay his own punishment of death. And no one but God the Son could take our place. Besides, why would God let His beloved Son suffer and die on the cross if there were other ways to save sinners? Jesus taking the wrath of God against sinners was the only way for believers to escape judgment and have

Answer the question here. Make sure you answer all frequently asked questions to clear some common doubts. People love when they find a solution without having to wait for your reply. This also shows that you have enough knowledge that you can share and help them out.

If we’re honest, it can be a struggle not to let the real emotions we feel show through—especially if we’re upset or annoyed with someone. In fact, there are times when we realize we simply can’t accept everyone’s behavior as being OK, especially if we know it to be illegal, harmful to others, or offensive. We need to be sensitive to our feelings and emotions, but choose to react in a way that pleases God. Remember, though, it’s important to share your feelings with parents or other adults if you feel a bit confused or unsure.  What the Bible says: “I give you a new command. Love one another. You must love one another, just as I have loved you. If you love one another, everyone will know you are my disciples” (John 13:34).  “Be kind and tender to one another. Forgive each other, just as God forgave you because of what Christ has done” (Ephesians 4:32

No one created God. He has always been living.
God never was created, and He has always existed. He created all things, so He didn’t need anybody to create Him! He has “life in himself” (John 5:26). God wasn’t ever a baby, and He didn’t grow up into an adult. He never gets any older. Everything else in the world starts and stops, but God has no beginning or end. He is the greatest!

Kids Revival Camp

kids Ministry

Kids Magazine

Siruvar Malar

Siruvar Jeba Malar’ is magazine relased every month exclusively for Children to motivate them to grow in thier spiritual life

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Micky & Ashley Chitchat

Hello Micky, what are you doing?
I am reading the writeup in our magazine on “How to use time effectively"
Very good Micky! What did you learn from it?
I understood that Jesus is coming and that we should be ready for it. We don't have much time left.
Exactly Micky! It is not enough if we are prepared for it,
we need to make others be prepared because we are the Ablazers.
Exactly Micky! It is not enough if we are prepared for it,
we need to make others be prepared because we are the Ablazers.

Balanced Habits to be followed

I believe in the fact that learning never stops and I am interested in learning new Habits with balanced life

Junk Foods
Video Games
Learning something new everyday
Consuming healthy diet
Time Management
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