Through the praise of children and infants, you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
Psalm 8:2

About Ablaze

children with jesus

Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy

Joel 2:28

God does not see the kids as others do. According to Him one kid is equal to 2 youths. Yes kids are special in His eyes. End time Revival kids will ablaze with zeal for Christ. Revival kids are called as Ablazers. According to the prophesy, they will pray, prophecies, share the Christ and will prepare others for Christ’s second coming. We encourage the kids to mediate the bible, spend time with God so that they can grow spiritually and be used in end time revival.

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Days Camp
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Ablazer Camp

Camps are conducted to train the kids on how to listen to God’s voice, speak to God, pray, meditate the Bible. Many kids received visions from God about their future, ministry etc. Do check for the next camp.Once in every month we have a prayer fellowship, where kids come and grow in Christ. Below are the places where Ablaze fellowship happening with the dates. Encourage your kids to attend and observe your kids grow spiritually. 

Ablaze Camp

I'm an Action Hero

Your Responsibility for your health

Memory Verse
Craft Work
Story time

Ablaze Testimony

I was blessed so much after the camp. I felt the touch of Jesus in the anointing session. I felt the Holy Spirit in the form of dove. Thank you Mohan uncle for arranging this wonderful camp
Sophiya Samuel Sudhakar
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